Summary Report of meeting 22 nd November Bar de Serpent/Palais des Nations
The meeting gave the opportunity for Centre International d’Investissment ( CII ) with Secretary- General: Olga Generalova-Kutuzova and President: Andrei Generalov and Association Mondial pour les Orphelins ( AMOR ) with President: Nannan Akasimandou , Russian Representative of AMOR : …
Consultations of the President of the Trade and Development Board 12.09.2019 Palais des Nations Geneva Board : Président du conseil Trade and Development Board Secrétaire du conseil Secrétaire adjointe du conseil The meeting took place at the United Nations in …
10 th anniversary of Africa Progress Panel, 4 th December 2017 in
Geneva Switzerland, The conference on 4 th of December took place from the Graduate Institute in Geneva. The panel included members such as Kofi Annan, Michel Camdessus, Olusegun Obasanjo and Peter Eigen, they all shared their views on the progress …